Monday, June 27, 2011


I thought my life was going happy,
But i just realize that i have made a wrong choice,
Cause maybe it's the beginning of something,
And it may harm me from something.

When you love someone,
You will give up when she/he got another love,
But sometimes we will interrupted the relationship,
And this complicated relationship may occur.

People like you to show that how much you love her/him,
And i have receive a funny answer,
It was:I love you as you love me,
I need you as you need me.(What the?)
But i think this is the best answer forever.

Human always do a wrong choice,
And sometimes not apologize can ended up the problem,
Just like you accept a wrong relationship,
And you have no idea to break up with her/him.

Anyway,I fear from love,
I hope it won't always messing up my feeling,
My teenage dream is still available,
So sometimes i still look childish. xD