Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dear blogger:

Sometimes I really hate it,
If you don't really want to be friend,
Please stop caring me since early,
You are just ignore me after the shit!

The day we met,I'm so happy,
You make my day and I laugh like a kid,
I admit that I just crushed on you although,
We just met for few days.

I keep my feeling,
Just like a friend talk whatever with you,
But I don't know whether since when,
You are just piss me off and you're just disappeared!

Hell!I pretend everything,
Just wanted to maintain our friendship,
But I really can't believe that,
You kick my ass off your world!

Why God treat me in that way?
This is the one that I have special feeling,
And the feeling is never occur before!
But I was so disappointed that you're gone!

I do sad actually but what can I do?
I just can let go and I believe that,
Time will bringing me to a new life.
I believe I can forget those things!

I cut my hair,change my attitude,
I get involve in any activity,
I try to concentrate to study,
Maybe you think I'm enigmatic?